When a business take time to really look at the PowerPoint presentations they were showing to their clients, some extraordinary changes can take place. They could see that even though the content was excellent, the design was not that good. Slides were simply stuffed with pointless data, long sentences and bullet points. We tend to spend far too much time on the message and very little on the actual layout. Persuasion suffers as a result.
It’s an all-too-common problem, but it’s rare for a company to notice.
Second, this company then decided that with some training, they could solve the problem out in house. We often write a ‘script’ for ourselves early on in life along the lines of “I’m no good at art” or “design is something done by designers”. But this team took the matter into their own hands, lobbied for training budget and asked for our help.
They went on a PowerPoint presentation training course and the transformation was immediate. In just a short time these analysts, researchers and new business people were turning dreadful, bullet-heavy, confusing slides into vibrant, exciting and ultimately more persuasive ones.
To find good courses on presentation skills London is a good place to start your search. Presentation design makes or breaks a meeting or a pitch. Equipped with the principles of good design and the best technical tools, we all the potential to be good designers.
Participants learn:
1. The four principles of good presentation design
2. Why PowerPoint doesn’t have to be a dirty word
3. The importance of the idea
4. How many slides? Different presentation styles
5. Templates & Layout
6. Colour: theory and practice
7. Text & fonts
8. Visuals: how to translate your ideas into powerful visuals
9. Effective and innovative data visualisation
10. Builds and animations – the dos and don’ts
11. How to use audiovisual effectively
12. Presenter’s tools
Presentation Design affects many of us every day but receives barely any attention. Even the most professional presenters can be made to look awful by badly prepared presentations. And it’s not just about making your presentations visually appealing – a well-designed presentation is a persuasive presentation.